v0.1.9 - Bug Fixes

Here is another Update for Cracked EDEN!

There were a LOT of things to fix, and as they fixed them more came.

I'm in pain and my sanity is crumbling to dust.

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Well, anyways, lets throw the Changelog!


  • - Leveling Up or Discarding the “Maid Training LvX” Card causes it to enter a Loop that went straight into the game Over. It has been fixed.
  • - "Assassinate the Master’s Enemies" used by the Enemies is doing 5 Damage per Male's Clothes and repeating itself for each Males Clothe's. It should be doing only 5 damage per repeat. This has been fixed so it only does 3 Damage and Repeats for each Male Clothes.
  • - Maids in the Kitchen fight now wait an additional turn before joining the combat.
  • - The Genitalia TF now reduces Cracking by half what it did before.
  • - The Height TF now reduces Storage Capacity by less. At Level 1 it doesn’t reduce, and at Level 5 it only reduces by 3.
  • - Fixed Waist Cards so they specify that they also affect your chances of inflicting Status Effects.
  • - Fixed some parts of the scenery the player could walk over.
  • - Fixed “Maidly Etiquette” so it doesn’t give Storage Capacity, it now gives Energy as it should.
  • - User and Admin Modes weren’t giving the TP they promised per turn, only at the beginning of battle, making them not too much easier than Hacker Mode. This has been fixed.
  • - Fixed a Bug in the Kitchen Event of failing to load a Bust, sending an alarm non-stop of that mistake.
  • - Fixed “Maid’s Cooking Utensils” that wasn’t healing the Damage it said, and increased the amount of healing.
  • - Fixed “Maidly Etiquette” used by the enemy not doing the Damage it should.
  • - Fixed “Tidying Your Uniform”’s Overclock not giving Clothes.
  • - Fixed the Event on the first battle after beating the Housekeeper not giving Energy.
  • - Fixed the Dialogue at the end of the first use of a Virus showing the wrong Character Bust.
  • - Fixed “Hide Weapons in your Uniform” used by the enemy not making you Discard.
  • - Fixed Detection Ranges of Enemies not working as they should.


Cracked EDEN v0.1.9.rar 417 MB
Mar 11, 2024

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