v0.1.12 - It has been a while


It certainly has been a while since the last update, right?

You probably are curious about what I have been working on for the game during this hald a year, right?

Maybe thinking that I must have a new Chapter ready, or maybe the complete Game!

Well, no, I worked on a single thing during this half a year:

Character Sprites.

As it has been evident, I used the RPG Maker Character Generator to create the Character Sprites of Cracked EDEN, and then I stretched them to make them twice as tall. That worked as a placeholder, but I knew that I was going to put the effort to make some custom stuff for this when I released Chapter 1, since I don't really like the artstyle of RPG Maker.

What I didn't know, was that it was going to take SO LONG. This was my first time doing Pixel Art, and I may have gotten over my head.

But, as a result of that, I dind't just make myself Character Sprites for this Chapter, but I got my own "Character Generator" to be able to quickly make new Character Sprites in the future. This way, I'll be able to not only make quick Characters for future Chapters, but also for future games I make. And as I make more stuff for the Character Generator, over time making diverse Characters will only become faster.

Here is an example of how the Character Sprites look now:

Unfortunately, that means that there is no New Content on this Update, beyond the new Character Sprites.

Now that I finished them, I'll be taking 2 weeks off from working on the game so I can work on a Game for a Game Jam I joined, that started today and will last for 2 weeks.

So, I'll leave the Changelog of this Update and disappear for the next 2 weeks!

See ya!



- Added a Linux version. Unfortunately, I don't even know if it works, it's completely untested. Play on Linux under your own risk.

- Wanted to add a Browser Version, but Itch Io said it had way too many Files so it couldn't be accepted. Unfortunate.


Custom Sprites:

- Now all Characters in the game have a Custom Sprite on the Map.


- User Difficulty: The Player now takes 3 less Damage and deals 3 more Damage from each Hit.

- Admin Difficulty: The Player now takes 1 less Damage and deals 1 more Damage from each Hit. They also now generate 5 Max Energy per turn rather than 4.

Buffed Desperate Strike, now attacks all enemies.

Bug Fixes: 

Mulligan being Allowed in the Mirror:

- Loaded games will not have access to Mulligan. It’ll require a new start.

Bad End now uses the correct Busts of the MC for the dialogue.

Maid Shoes now properly remove the Energy every 3 Turns.

The Overclock of “Tidying your Uniform” now should recover all the Energy.

Error in Dialogue Tree inside the Event with the Housekeeper Battle has been fixed.

Maid Shoes now properly remove the Energy every 3 Turns.

The Overclock of “Tidying your Uniform” now should recover all the Energy.

Error in Dialogue Tree inside the Event with the Housekeeper Battle has been fixed.

Fixed dialogue of the Maids in the fight against both Assassins not showing their current appearance.

Fixed the Maid Assassin 2 not getting the Stun of 2 turns at the beginning of the fight if she fights alongside Maid Assassin 1 but not Maid 14.

Fixed the Enemy Skill “Looking Pretty” not increasing the Face Level.

Fixed “Masater’s Ambition” not giving Maid Clothes after the first time (Hopefully, couldn’t replicate the problem, but what I did may fix it happening sometimes).

Fixed “Cleaning the Mansion”’s Overclock adding itself back to hand. (Forgot to account the card it Discards, so the number to pick from the Discard was wrong)

Fixed Chest Cards not showing properly in the Mirror.

Fixed the Boost from beating the Housekeeper not applying on future fights.

Increases chances of hitting with Serving Tea.

Fixed a Loading Error that made the Final Boss unplayable.

Fixed the Level 1 Core Virus being added to Hand after Double Hack puts you in Level 2.

Get Cracked EDEN

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